Effect of Cholesterol on The Heart?


It is often heard that cholesterol is not good for our bodies. We need to consume less fatty products to ensure a healthy heart.

So what is Cholesterol?

It is a fatty substance that is present in the blood and travels along the bloodstream in the form of HDL or LDL. HDL or High-Density Lipoproteins are considered “good cholesterol” because it brings excess cholesterol back to the liver for removal. While LDL or Low-Density Lipoproteins are considered “bad cholesterol” as it carries cholesterol to other parts of the body. Too much of LDL sticks to the bloodstream eventually clogging them leading to heart problems.

Narrowed or blocked arteries can prevent the blood from reaching the heart, brain, and other organs leading to a heart attack, stroke, or heart failure.

High amounts of cholesterol enter the body from food. Studies reveal that high HDL and low LDL levels help reduce the risk of heart disease.

What are the sources of cholesterol in your diet?

Your diet plays a major role in determining excess cholesterol in your body affecting your heart health. The sources of cholesterol include Trans Fats & Saturated Fats. These increase the level of LDL and reduce the level of HDL in your bloodstream. They also have no nutritional value and hence should be avoided at all costs. These high-cholesterol foods and other fast foods contribute to obesity & weight gain further leading to heart problems.

What are the symptoms of High Cholesterol?

There are no visible symptoms of high cholesterol for most people. An extremely active person can also have high levels of cholesterol in their body. It will only reveal itself when it starts causing problems to your body. Hence it becomes imperative to regularly monitor cholesterol levels in your body through testing. A lipid profile is the test you need to know the levels of HDL and LDL in your body.

What are the diseases caused due to high cholesterol?

Regular high cholesterol increases the build-up of plaque in the blood vessels leading to various heart problems. When there is a problem in the blood vessels causing a ripple effect in your body. High cholesterol raises the risk of various medical conditions depending on which blood vessels are clogged.

-        Coronary Artery Disease (CAD): CAD happens when plaque build-up affects the coronary arteries. These are the vessels that carry blood to your heart. When the heart doesn’t get enough blood, it gets weaker and stops working which can lead to heart attack or heart failure.

-        Carotid Artery Disease: The carotid arteries carry blood to the large, front part of your brain. When plaque narrows these arteries, the brain doesn’t get enough oxygen-rich blood leading to stroke.

-        Peripheral Artery Disease (PAD): When the plaque affects the arteries in the limbs it is called peripheral artery disease. PAD is dangerous because it has no visible symptoms until they are 60% blocked. 

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