In India, PCOS affects over 70 million women of reproductive age, making it one of the most commonly diagnosed endocrine disorders. Despite it being this common, the disease is not entirely understood by all leading to a lot of myths about PCOS and fertility.

Hence, it is important to debunk those myths and get a better understanding of the disease.

Myth: PCOS is a rare condition.

Fact: PCOS is the most prevailing female endocrine disorder and the major cause of infertility. The worldwide range of 6-26% and in India it is 3.7%-22.5%. Over time, the cases of PCOS in India are increasing due to poor lifestyle, eating habits, and lack of physical activity.

Myth: PCOS only affects Overweight women.

Fact: Most women with PCOS are overweight and increased weight worsens the symptoms of PCOS. But around 20% of women suffering from PCOS have BMI in the normal range. The reason why weight and PCOS are related is due to the body’s inability to use insulin properly which can lead to weight gain. This makes eating healthy and regular exercise imperative for women.

Myth: PCOS is your fault.

Fact: This is a myth that affects the mental health of women already suffering from the problem. Research has suggested that genetic makeup and family history are the major factors influencing PCOS. 

Myth: Women with PCOS cannot get pregnant. 

Fact: While it is one of the most common causes of sub-fertility due to ovulation dysfunction. Many people with PCOS are able to conceive on their own while others do not respond well to entry-level fertility treatment. 

Myth: You can get rid of PCOS if you lose weight.

Fact: The first advice people will give you is to lose weight. Though shedding weight can alleviate certain symptoms of PCOS, it is not a cure. PCOS is very sensitive to weight changes – both positive or negative. Having PCOS makes losing weight even more difficult, slowing down the metabolism, causing intense food cravings and other challenging factors. Extreme dieting and too much exercise can cause a negative impact on metabolism making losing weight even more difficult.

Myth: PCOS is reversible.

Fact: Unlike what some experts claim, PCOS is managed throughout life but cannot be cured. No supplement or diet can reverse PCOS. Symptoms of PCOS can be controlled and managed by making certain lifestyle changes and ensuring proper treatment.

Myth: Having PCOS leads to diabetes for sure.

Fact: People with PCOS often struggle with insulin resistance that can lead to pre-diabetes or diabetes, one can always manage the progression and reduce the chances of diabetes. Poorly controlled blood sugar levels can cause problems conceiving and lead to a longer time to achieve pregnancy, chances of miscarriage, or birth defects. Hence, it is important to keep blood sugar levels in check when suffering from PCOS.

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