What is Rectal Cancer? How Can You Identify It And What Is The Treatment For This Cancer?

Rectal cancer is the cancer that begins in the rectum. The cancer starts at the end of the final segment of the colon and ends where it reaches the narrow passage reaching the anus.

The cancer begins when the healthy cells in the rectum develop changes in their DNA. These changes allow the cells to grow uncontrollably and to continue living after healthy cells die.

This turns into a tumor and can destroy the nearby healthy cells.

The first signs of rectal cancer can be recognized with the following symptoms:

-          A change in the bowel habits like diarrhea, constipation or frequent bowels

  • -          Blood in stool
  • -          Feeling of bowel not emptying completely
  • -          Abdominal pain
  • -          Unexplained weight loss
  • -          Weakness & fatigue

It can be categorized into 5 different stages:

  • -          Stage 0 where the cells are found in the rectal lining.
  • -          Stage 1 where the tumor has grown below the lining, in the rectal wall
  • -          Stage 2 where the might extend into the tissues around the rectum
  • -          Stage 3 where the tumor has invaded the lymph nodes around the rectum and outside the rectal wall.
  • -          Stage 4 where the tumor has spread to distant lymph nodes or organs.

Treatment of rectal cancer depends on several factors, like location, size and stages of the tumor and the overall health of the person.

Treatment options include:

  • -          Surgery
  • -          Chemotherapy
  • -          Radiation Therapy
  • -          Immunotherapy
  • -          Targeted drug therapy

Consult our specialists today if you experience any of the above mentioned symptoms to know the appropriate diagnosis & treatment.

Consult our specialists from 9:00AM to 8:00PM!!

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